Saturday, July 29, 2023

End of July Update

Pic by Jonathan - all I got was a pic of Jonathan taking a pic of the bear.  Oh, well...

So we finally were out and saw some wildlife.  We've actually gotten out several times since our last post.  We walked some of Paintbrush Canyon, took a tour of the Elk Refuge, visited Colter Bay, and took an ATV ride up Flat Creek & Curtis Canyons in the Bridger-Teton National Forest (the mountain range you see in pictures I take of the hatchery.)  ATV tour courtesy of Calvin.

We've finally gotten warm and to our great amazement, wildfire smoke has continued to elude us.  We do get some haze from time to time, though.  Volunteers here seem to get out as a group more than in past years, so there's been several evening get-togethers and sometimes eating out.

We about two months away from time to leave.  We expect to be out of here by October 2nd.  At least that's the plan.  We have reservations for Utah, Nevada and Arizona to round out the year. 

Lots of pictures below of what we've seen.  Thanks for dropping by and checking up on us.  Until next time, David

Our motley volunteer crew plus Mike & Janelle (Jonathan pic)

Wild flowers at the hatchery

Paintbrush Canyon - this is as far as we went

Jackson & Leigh Lakes
Heron Pond (Colter Bay)

Colter Bay (Jackson Lake some 92% full)

Colter Bay Picnic Area

Pond on Flat Creek (Flat Creek Canyon)

Flat Creek (Flat Creek Canyon)

View from Curtis Canyon

View from one of the campsites in Curtis Canyon

Our motley ATV tour group (Jonathan pic)

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th of July!

Sack Fry Snake River Fine Spotted Cutthroat

We only got about 300,000+ of these little sack fry hanging out at the hatchery.  We have about 120,000 one-year olds that'll leave in September.

Happy 4th.  We're working today (or more appropriately, volunteering).  We're fine though I'm just getting over a bad case on indigestion.  Did it to myself, and it's taking awhile to recover.  We having a wet, cool spring, but that's coming to the end.  We did get a bout of Canadian Wildfire smoke in early June.  It left after a few days.  We're now into wildfire smoke season, and we're told it'll start to arrive in the area later today - just in time for fireworks!

 Not a lot of time to write.  Thanks for dropping by and checking up on us.  Until next time, David

Volunteer RV Pads at Jackson Nat'l Fish Hatchery