We made it to High Point, NC after a new (or new to us) transfer switch. We left last Wednesday & took 3 days to get here. We're traveling with weak (not bad - just weak) batteries that we have to be careful with. We broke a hot wire to the electric heating element and, somehow, the converter went out at the same time. Since the hot water heater and converter share a common circuit breaker (even though they have separate levers), that stopped what little battery charging we were getting and all 12 volt appliances were now running off those weak batteries. Resetting the circuit breakers didn't help. We carry a separate battery charger that we can use to recharge the batteries when things like this occur. We ran the slides and stuff with that on so as to be easy on the batteries. After arriving here in High Point, the transfer switch made a nice "Kathunk" as power was applied. I told Donna that the converter might be working again after a "hard" reset. Sure enough, the converter is working, again.
So here we sit. We've had a great visit so far. We have various appointments each day while here. We had planned to leave on Thursday as that was the first dry day since Saturday. Now the weather people say Thursday is the first day of rain after a dry Tuesday & Wednesday. We'll see what really happens.
From here we travel to Stone Mountain, Georgia for a week or so, Birmingham for Thanksgiving, and on down to Gulf Shores on December 1st. We'll see if the trailer makes it...
Thanks for dropping by and checking in on us. Until next time, David