Saturday, July 2, 2011

Waiting out the crowds

Just an update.  We're sitting out the crowds and heat of the July 4th weekend at the Park of the Sierras.  After a full day in Yosemite Valley on Tuesday, we sat out Wednesday as the rain passed through and then got down to business on Thursday.  A new trailer tire pressure monitoring system should get here this Tuesday.  We now have new tires on the front of the truck.  We have an off-road shop lined up to remove the rear airbags from the truck, but had to order some rear springs bumper stops to replace the airbags.  I did have the ones that came off the truck, but gave them away.  Oh, well, it happens.  Once they're in hand, the airbags come off.  Mid-month we take the truck in for it's 50k service - a biggie as axle fluids get changed on this one.  Oh, yes, let me add that we've ordered Centramatics Automatic Wheel Balancers.  If you don't know what those are you can read about them here:  Those should be here in a couple of weeks.

The bicycles two month check up & adjustments are done.  Still have the Verizon MiFi.  We visited the Verizon corporate store in Clovis, CA where I asked why the MiFi wouldn't work, but the tethering to the cell phone worked just fine.  (Both are 4G units).  Verizon showed me how to set the MiFi for just 3G and set it so the battery never shuts down to conserve battery power.  So far, so good, but the MiFi shut down completely this morning while recharging.  We'll keep watching that.

For those few RVers who follow us, you do not have to be a member of Escapees to stay at the SKP Co-op Park of the Sierra.  You'll be limited to 14 days/yr.  But if it works for your itinerary, do come and stay.  Estimated costs including electric is about $20/day (we'll know exact amounts at the final meter reading when we leave.)   If you do come and stay, read all the park rules.  We caught at the last minute that you were not to use the clothes washer in the RV.  Has something to do with the limited sewer system. The park has a huge laundry room with its own septic tank, so it's no big deal.  However, it did leave me with that lingering feeling that the guy who designed fresh water systems for our navy destroyers may now have retired and started designing septic systems.

Well, Donna and I have both been retired a year.  So we're celebrating with lots of naps.  We're caught up with mail.  The blog is now up to date.  I think it's time for another nap!  David

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