Friday, September 2, 2011

Gillette, WY

We've survived the Escapee's Escapade 2011.  Learned a lot, bought a lot, found more things that need to be checked out on the trailer when we visit DRV week after next, and now have a day off.  We're volunteer dog walkers today.  For those of us who are staying in Gillette, WY over Labor Day, there are two HOPs (HOP = Heading Out Programs or tours); one of which is the Presidents and Indians Tour today to Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse.  Having visited those sites before, we've stayed back to walk dogs for those people attending that HOP (OK, OK, I admit we're doing this to get our dog fix.)   Tomorrow's HOP is to Devil's Tower and visit a coal mine.  We'll be on that one.  Head out for Howe, IN on Tuesday.  We'll complete the trailer weighing as we head out Tuesday morning.  Oh, and we've met a ton of people.  Finally was able to catch up with the Escapee's Class of 2010 (those of us able to become full-time RVers in 2010), eat dinner with and meet folks that work-camp for Disney (Friends of the Mouse BOF), and meet members of the NOMADS BOF.  (BOF = Birds of a Feather; just a group of like minded people.) 

We learned a lot about Gillette, WY.  When I first saw the advertisement for the Escapade at Gillette, I looked at the road map and wondered, "Why Gillette?"  Well, that's still a good question if you don't know the place.  Gillette is a modern day boom town.  It's considered the energy capital of Wyoming.  Yep, coal, natural gas, and oil are here (plus a little uranium if I remember correctly).  Once considered a temporary town, Gillette has been here long enough to be rebuilt (of which the CAM-PLEX is an example).  Financially, energy pays for all of this.  To compensate for the loss of that revenue when that time comes, everything that's public here is paid for (no bonds), and the area has put about $9 Billion in reserves to help that future transition to non-energy revenues.  Sounds like someone here actually read history and is trying to learn from it.  Anyway, it's a nice place in the middle of nowhere that treats visitors real well.  You have to remember, everyone that lives in Gillette, WY is from somewhere else.  They know what it's like!

Well, that 's it for today.  It's laundry, shopping, and dog walking day.  Later, David

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