Thursday, March 5, 2015

Last Week at Gulf State Park

Barring any major mechanical failures that keeps us from traveling, this is our "sunset" week for this season at Gulf State Park in Alabama.  We've had a great three months and kinda sad to leave, but it's time to harass family & friends and start visiting people, again.  We're on a slow trip to Charleston, SC via Birmingham & Atlanta.  Then on to Two Harbors, MN via Virginia and Indiana.  After that it's a month and a half in various spots in Michigan.  Then the slow trip back down to the gulf coast for another winter season.  That's sort of the plan, anyway.

In other news we got to spend a Saturday with Steven & Susan over in Florida.  Had a great time and ate too much.  Next time we'll have to spend a night and help out around the house.  Bill & Judy have come down to visit.  Bill & Judy set up the first Hitchhiker East Coast Rally that we attended & it was great to see them.  We've made several friends at that rally, so memories go way back - and we have Bill & Judy to thank for that.

For more excitement, after another late lunch/early dinner at DeSoto's with 10 other people today, we returned to a trailer full of acidic, burned wiring smell this evening.  To make a long story short, we've finally wore out our electrical fireplace.  We spent an hour checking all the exterior connection boxes & trying to find out what was causing the smell before our electrical fireplace finally fessed up & threw a circuit breaker.  We're still gonna open & check the exterior electrical boxes in the morning, but for now the smell is gone and everything else seems to be fine.  We think there's a short inside the fireplace that let it come on or more likely "short" while we were gone since we always leave it off while we're away from the trailer.  We've unplugged the fireplace and left that circuit breaker off for now.  Maybe our next electrical fireplace will be an LED version like Mike & Terry's where the bulbs never burn out!

So that's our excitement.  Hope your's is a little more "fun" than ours was this evening.  Until next week, David

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