St Ignace, MI Lighthouse |
Sand Lake near Onsted, MI |
We're making our way up to Isle Royale Natl Park this week. After an enjoyable long weekend at the Bahnmiller RV Resort near Onsted, MI visiting with Greg, we're on the move up Michigan through the UP to a little town called Copper Harbor where we'll leave the rig and ride a ferry over to Isle Royale National Park. We made overnight stops at St Ignace and Ishpeming before arriving at Copper Harbor. Copper Harbor is a nice little area - a town with only 40 full-time residents - but not a destination. Basically, you're here to catch a ferry or a half-day visit to Ft Wilkins.
The Bahnmiller RV Resort |
For those of you with big rigs, Hwy 41 is not big rig friendly though there are two of us large rigs up here in the local campground. Rules are pretty restrictive. When they tell you that wiping down your bicycle for the dust it's collected on the road is considering washing a vehicle and grounds for expulsion from the campground, well...it borders on the absurd. I consider it disrespectful of the customer.
My recommendation is to leave the rigs near Houghton, drive up the day before the ferry leaves & leave time for a visit to Ft Wilkins. Spend the night in a local motel. Then drive back the day you return. Should you decide to bring your rig up here, do ask permission to clean your windshield from the black flies and mosquitoes you've collected on the trip up. The face they make is as if you're torturing a puppy. You'd think you were killing 'em. It's actually very entertaining to watch. I suggest you just don't come. There's not that much here, no cell phone service, and they don't deserve your business. If you can stand the longer boat ride, leave from Houghton.
Hopefully, I'll have a much better opinion of Isle Royale when we return. In the meantime, have a great Father's Day! David
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