Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Mid-January Update

Since I had a brother-in-law tell me that my problems getting my Medicare Card were due to all my past unfavorable comments on software and IT,  I thought this Dilbert cartoon would adequately get everyone up to speed on just how I see software and IT.  Yes, I'm part of the generation that made Bill Gates a billionaire by buying his unfinished software.  I apologize to everyone that I did that.  Not only did he not deserve the money, but now all entrepreneurs think that's how you become a billionaire - sell unfinished, flawed products.

Yep, I finally got my Medicare Card.  Only took four months and two weeks after I submitted my application for Medicare on the first day I became eligible to apply.  Can't renew my retired military ID without the Medicare Card.  So the card arrives some six weeks after the retired military ID expired.  Yes, you can get a temporary ID while waiting for your Medicare Card.  You just have to go reapply every 30 days.  Not a bad process if you live within reasonable traveling distance of a military personnel department.  Heaven help you if you don't.  Heaven help you if you're on Tricare and you have a medical emergency during that time, too.  The temp ID says you're not qualified for Tricare.  Nice process they got there - NOT!

OK - that's outta my system.  We've been unseasonably warm down here, and we've loved every day of it.  It did rain for about a week to ten days as a train of fronts came through, but mostly sunny all the other times.  Fronts come through fairly quickly down here for the most part, so storms usually pass by fairly quickly.  Looks like we'll get cold enough this weekend to pull up the freshwater lines this weekend.  First time to have to do that this season.

In other news, our hot water heater stopped heating on electric - again.  Turns out an old, $8 switch had broken.  The truck got recalled for a engine block heater.  No one knows when the parts will be available, so we can't get that done while we're down here.  Hopefully, we won't have to wait as long as people trying to have air bags replaced!  Need to look at getting a tire replaced on the truck, too.  Always something.

We're doing fine.  Donna rides with the Folks-on-Spokes while I walk.  She walks some, too.  We try to walk two to three hours at a time just to stay use to the length of the short hikes in the Tetons.  Can't duplicate the change in elevation, though.  We enjoy the walks, so it's easy to go the distance.  Haven't seen a whole lot of wildlife.  One gator, a few eagles, an armadillo - that's been about it other than the squirrels and birds.  If the weather is warm, the trails are busy - especially on the weekends.

Anyway, that's it for us.  Thanks for dropping by and checking in on us.  I'll write something in a couple of weeks.  David

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