Sunday, May 31, 2020

End of May Update

We're fine.  Compare to the past few weeks, this week was uneventful.  How did that happen?!

We've more-or-less settled in as we complete quarantine (finish Wednesday).  Except for the last couple of days, it's been hot here.  Gets hot. again, tomorrow.  Pollen is in full force here.  Mosquitoes hit full force last weekend.  Dragonflys came out this weekend, and I'm glad to see them as they love mosquitoes.  Though we can't pick up any packages at Voyageurs HQ until the building is open, we can ship stuff there, and that's what we're doing.

When we were first planning to came to Voyageurs in 2012, I remember during the first interview the lady said we may not find what we want at the grocery store, but you can get what you need.   Donna now goes with a wish list for a few meals, sees what's available, then updates our planned meals based on what's in the store.  And while diesel may be cheaper this year, there's no low cost groceries in this area.  Fresh produce is running roughly twice the price than in other areas of the country we've traveled through this spring.

The new transfer switch was installed Wednesday.  It works.  The transfer switch (SurgeGuard Transfer Switch Model 41260) came with it's own light-duty surge/power protection that we're learning to use - or at least how it responds to things.  The park still has less-than-adequate power for normal 50 amp power usage.  When we do trip something, the transfer switch has its own two-minute delay before it sends power downstream to the Electrical Monitoring System or EMS (which has its own delay).   When something happens, we kinda know what we did.  It's just strange to now wait three to four minutes before the electrical system powers back up as the transfer switch and the EMS work through their separate delays.

Next on the RVing agenda is expiring propane tanks.  Like a lot of things you're probably going through, I was hoping to get this taking care of before we got here.  Unfortunately, the country's response to a pandemic got in the way.  We've got one tank almost empty, so we're going to get through this soon whether we like it or not.

As for volunteering, we'll "onboard" (check in) either Sunday or Monday.  We'll be told then what we'll be doing (probably roving at the boat ramp & picnic area).  For now it's read all the material to get up to speed.  Challenge is to find out what opens when (if at all) or what just closed (campsites near eagle nesting areas, for example) so we can answer any questions.  Easier when you're in a visitor center as you have a sheet of paper that's updated daily that you can reference.  At least the last two seasons as tour guides for the fish hatchery got us read for roving duties.

So that's it for us.  Thanks for dropping by.  Until next week, David

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