Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!  Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  We're hot - running into the low 90s consistently each day.  That's the warmest it's been of the three seasons we've volunteered at Voyageurs Natl Park.  That's hot enough that we need to run both ACs.  As we're at the end of the power grid, we're only getting about 5.5 KW of power - same as our generator.  Consequently, if you want to run something else on electric power, one AC needs to be turned off.  It's beginning to become routine to automatically go turn something off to turn something else on.  Makes laundry day interesting when you want to run the dryer!  You're turning off one AC and running an appliance that generates heat.  We ended up just shutting that part of the trailer off, opening the windows and turning the vent fan on where the dryer is located.

Biting black flies are back with a vengeance.  Sitting or roaming outside to talk to visitors isn't all that much fun with the insects coming out in full force.  As they're putting a new roof on the visitor center, the front kiosk that contains brochures, maps, and the ever-popular park stamp are all blocked from visitors.  So we try to get outside as much as we can, and carry these things with us to have for visitors.  

We're going to take a day trip to Bemidji, MN this coming week.  Bemidji is the town nearest to the head of the Mississippi River.  It's also the closest town where a chain pharmacy store is located that has our one drug prescription.  We'll take advantage of the shopping there to pick up some supplies and things we need that don't require refrigeration.  Maybe eat lunch in town, too.

That's gets you up to date with us.  Thanks for dropping by.  Be safe out there.  David

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