Friday, December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!

Like of most of the country, we're cold.  However, we're at a balmy 29 degrees & sunny with light winds.  As one meme put it, if you've ever said, "I'll do that when hell freezes over!", I think it's scheduled either for today or tomorrow!

Well, what we thought would be a rather routine schedule this winter has been anything but routine.  While we'd planned on Donna having her colonoscopy and cataracts done while down here, it's come fast and furious.  Colonoscopy went without a hitch.  Cataract surgery was scheduled quickly.  Donna's hearing aids had been giving here a fit, so off to an ear doc to get that all checked out.  She returned with new hearing aids. Then the night before the first eye for cataract surgery was was scheduled to be done, Donna told me she had a toothache and probably needed a root canal.  

Too late to reschedule the eye surgery, Donna went ahead with that and then we started hunting an endodontist to get advice.  Donna was told to get a dental exam first, then see what's needed.  She found a dentist that could fit her in the next morning.  They found that the tooth had already had a root canal & cap and probably just needed to be repaired.  They referred her to an endodontist in Pensacola that she could never reach.  She called the original dentist back and got a second referral to a local endodontist.  That endodontist didn't have time to see her until mid January.  Donna took that appointment with the idea that if an appointment became available, they call her.  About a half hour later they called back with an appointment for about an hour later. And off we went. Apparently, the old root canal is fine, but there's infection above the tooth and near her sinus.  She was put on an antibiotic and is feeling much better today.

Her cataract is doing well.  Her vision is foggy in that eye, but she says that everything is brighter.  We're well into the eye drop routine, and we've learned how to put eye drops in efficiently. 

Let's see, new tires for the truck last month and new hearing aids this month.  I think we've got Christmas covered!

So that catches you up to date.  We'll post more later.  Thanks for dropping by and checking up on us.  Later, David

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