Bushyhead Mine |
It's been a busy week as we finished out the interpretative training for the rangers. Donna and are are humbled by the amount of training and time invested by this park for us as volunteers.
As noted in earlier posts, this park is a water park as it protects a portion of the fur trade routes. So this meant getting out on the water.
That's Canada on the left |
We've enjoyed the visits (and
information overload) on the tour boat Voyager, an over-nighter at the Kettle Falls Hotel, more time (and more info overload) on the tour boat Otter, ecobiological training at Rainy Lake & Ash River Visitor Centers, canoe safety training (we watched), and a well done north canoe trip with real "Voyageurs". Yes, they train the characters, too (though some don't need a lot of help!)
If you've ever taken the "Behind the Scenes Magic Tour" at Walt Disney World, then think of this as a behind the scenes tour of NPS at Voyageurs.
There's not enough room here to talk or show everything. I know Wednesday night I posted 94 photos of just the Tuesday & Wednesday training on Facebook. Those pics just scratched
Cruiser Lake |
the surface of what we got to do and see
those two days. Hopefully, these few pictures will give you a feel what we've been blessed to do and see. Later, David
Dam at Kettle Falls (again, Canada on the left) |
This picture to the right is of Mike Williams as he gives us a history of Kettle Falls Hotel as he remembered it. The hotel sits on a spot of lodging for people who traveled through this area as they passed around Kettle Falls. Mike's family (including grandfather & father) has owned or worked this hotel for three generations. The current park concessionaires running the hotel are his relatives.
Hoist Bay |
Interior of Ash River Visitor Center |
Green house of native plants used for restoration |
Ash River Visitor Center |
Canoe Safety training |
Donna checks out the exhibits at Lake Kabetogama Visitor Center |