Sunday, May 19, 2024

Arrived Grand Teton Natl Park

Grand Teton Cathedral Group

We arrived Friday (May 17th) safe & sound. We, more or less, blew in with the winds coming in via Idaho Falls, ID and Alpine, WY to avoid Teton Pass. 

We're located in the Gros Ventre Campground - employee loop - and we're just off the Gros Ventre River near Kelly, WY.  We checked in Friday afternoon. Training starts tomorrow (Monday).  We'll be volunteers at the Laurance S Rockefeller (LSR) Preserve.  It's the old Rockefeller Ranch or may better be known as the JY Ranch. It's the last private land to become Grand Teton National Monument and eventually join Grand Teton National Park (1950, I believe). It's the quiet side of Grand Teton. 

Jackson seems busy but not crowded.  This weekend was a Pow Wow and elk antler auction. We've had a nice weekend weather wise, but this coming week is predicted to be cold with rain/snow depending on where you're located.  Lows will be below freezing most nights. 

It's sure to be an exciting summer for us.  Thanks for dropping by and checking in on us.  David

Death Canyon as seen from the Albright Pull-out

View from the Gros Ventre Group Camping Loop.  The south end of Black Butte is to the right in the picture.

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