Sunday, June 2, 2024

June Update

Grand Cathedral as seen from the Teton Science Center, Kelly, WY

I always thought the four letter acronym for Grand Teton National Park was GTNP.  Turns out it's GRTE.  Who knew? (OK, besides people who work here!)

Newbie training is over. Now we really learn about the park (or backstage magic as I like to call it). Big park. Huge staff - though I'm confident they could use more. Probably close to 400 people when you include volunteer staff. (We were told, but I didn't write it down.) Then there's the concessionaires. The employee loop in Gros Ventre Campground isn't full at this time, but we're told it'll be full by July. Thankfully, everyone wears name tags so I can remember people's' names!

We've gotten snowed on twice since arriving with the last one requiring some time to clean it all off the truck. Morning low temps are now trending above freezing each morning. Idaho Falls weather staff indicate our highs may reach the high 70s later this week. 

Aspen are leafing out. Cottonwoods are leafing out. I expect the cottonwood "snow" at any time. We haven't seen any large wildlife, yet.  It's gotta be around here as each morning we leave there's several wildlife tours parked along the road with field telescopes and binoculars all in use.

Interesting how things work.  With the exception of 2023, during every season we've spent in Jackson Hole our truck has presented a check engine light in May after our arrival. Usually it goes out in a week or so.  This year it held true to form.  Arrive May 17th, truck presents the checking light on the way home on May 20th. During the week it cleared once and return about 5 minutes later.  Yesterday, June 1st - as if on queue - the light goes out and stayed out the whole day. We'll see what today brings!

That brings you up to date on us.  Thanks for dropping by and checking up on us! Hopefully, we'll have something exciting to post about next time, David

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